Follow These Tips & Be Proud Of Your Mouth!

Be proud of your mouth!

That’s the current campaign theme for World Oral Health Day coming up on March 20, 2022.

All across the globe, this is a day to encourage and inspire you to take the best care of your teeth and gums so you have a fully-functional mouth and a bright smile that makes you feel good.

This year’s focus is the connection between your oral health and your overall sense of happiness and well-being. But because we rely on our teeth so much every single day, it’s really easy to forget that until there’s a problem that makes eating painful and smiling with confidence difficult. 

So today, we want to focus your attention on this video that offers the most important tips for reaching a better state of dental health and reminds you that visiting a skilled dentist for routine checkups is essential to building a healthy mouth you’re proud of.

Call Aberdeen Smiles at 605-277-9049 to request a consultation or schedule online.